The activities of the firm

COMMUNION AND THE SEPARATION OF GOODS is one of the acts that the Notary is often called upon to receive.
Through the marriage agreement, the two spouses as well as persons of the same sex civilly united (so-called “civil unions”) or cohabitants who have stipulated the so-called “Cohabitation contract”, they decide which regime governs their property relations.

THE ASSET FUND is the act through which the spouses (or even a third party) can allocate certain assets to meet the needs of the family, segregating them from aggression by third party creditors for obligations not related to the satisfaction of family needs.

FAMILY AGREEMENTS offer the entrepreneur the opportunity to manage the generational handover of his business, transferring the company or shares of the “family company” to one or more descendants, protecting this provision from appeals in the inheritance for any injuries to the legitimate share.

THE HEREDITARY SUCCESSION is linked to a sad but unavoidable event, which is why it would be necessary for everyone to know the principles of inheritance law.
The Notary can help in advance, to provide advice to those who want their succession to follow certain rules, in fact he has the specific skills to recommend the best way to draw up a will, or what acts to perform, in life, to achieve certain results following the succession.
Subsequently, the Notary resolves the problems that arise to the relatives, following the death.
Finally, the notary’s profound knowledge of all the tax aspects related to an inheritance succession should not be overlooked.

The Italian law entrusts the Notary with all the most important corporate transactions:


The Notary is delegated by the legislator to carry out all the legal checks necessary for the establishment or modification of a company, making a real judgment of legitimacy and legality.
The task of the Notary is also to publicize company deeds by filing them with the Register of Companies.

When you choose to start a business in corporate form, or you need to choose the type of company suitable for your business, or orient yourself in the context of functional choices for the business, it is important to rely on an experienced and reliable consultant.
The Notary has the experience and expertise to understand the entrepreneur’s needs and guide him towards the best operational solutions.

Buying a house is an important step in our life, as is the sale of a property. Both moments are full of meaning due to the importance of the commitments related to them (investments, asset management).
Buying or selling a property need due consideration and must be approached with the advice of an expert.

In order not to make errors of assessment and consequently make wrong decisions, it is good to speak with your Notary.
A figure with seriousness, impartiality and competent from a legal and fiscal point of view.
The Notary in a sale is guarantor for both parties: Buyer and Buyer.

The Notary provides both parties, before and after the stipulation, with all the information necessary for the success of the deal, explains and advises the buyer and seller on the respective rights and obligations resulting from the stipulation, guaranteeing the interests and expectations of the set off.

It is therefore essential to contact your notary from the moment you decide to sell or buy a property, even more so if you need to access a bank loan for the purchase.
Also for this type of act, especially for young people, it is necessary to be advised and guided by a Professional, above all interests, who with competence and authority protects the interests and makes them pursue the objectives with satisfaction.

Telematic Notary Auctions are procedures through which the forced sale of a movable or immovable property is arranged, with a succession of offers proposed and transmitted via the internet.
In the telematic auction, the notary acts as a public official and qualified intermediary who on the one hand is able to guide and support the citizen participating in the auction, and on the other hand is able to make the procedure certain, avoiding the dangers of disturbance auction and also carrying out the checks required by the anti-money laundering legislation.
All documentation is stored digitally.